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Custom Product Filter GraphQl Not working in magento 2.4

I want to add a stock filter for the product search GraphQl query. check below my code schema.graphqls input ProductAttributeFilterInput @doc(description: “Defines the filters”){ stock_status: FilterEqualTypeInput } di.xml <virtualType name=”MagentoCatalogModelApiSearchCriteriaCollectionProcessorProductFilterProcessor” type=”MagentoEavModelApiSearchCriteriaCollectionProcessorFilterProcessor”> <arguments> <argument name=”customFilters” xsi:type=”array”> <item name=”stock_status” xsi:type=”object”>CustomModuleModelResolverProductsSearchCriteriaCollectionProcessorFilterProcessorCustomStockFilter</item> </argument> </arguments>… Read More »Custom Product Filter GraphQl Not working in magento 2.4

https problem

[CENTER][B]I still have the https problem and I don’t know what to do, even though I contacted the host, but nothing arrived. I ask the exp… | Read the rest of