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Display minimal configurable product special price cause Error : Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() on category page

I use Magento version 2.4.5-p10 I want show on product card on category page (list and grid) the minimal price for a configurable product when this price has special price. The objective is to show the mention : %special price%… Read More »Display minimal configurable product special price cause Error : Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() on category page

PUT/POST Rest request occasionally fail without error status code 400

Not quite sure where to start debugging, PUT/POST request occasionally without any errors in Magento logs, status code 400. The exact same request later goes through succesfully. Example failed request: 400 PUT /rest/V1/products/9793/stockItems/1567?stockItem%5Bqty%5D=466&stockItem%5Bis_in_stock%5D=1 HTTP/2.0 varnish Example successfull request moments later:… Read More »PUT/POST Rest request occasionally fail without error status code 400

After running setup:upgrade cmd ‘magento2.core_config_data’ doesn’t exist in engine

After running the cmd php bin/magento setup:upgrade I am getting following error. [2025-03-07T07:07:05.311272+00:00] main.ERROR: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1932 Table ‘magento2.core_config_data’ doesn’t exist in engine, query was: SELECT main_table.* FROM core_config_data AS main_table If i search with… Read More »After running setup:upgrade cmd ‘magento2.core_config_data’ doesn’t exist in engine