Magento 2 how do I override ui-select.js?
I wish to override ui-select.js with my own modified version. How can I do that? Thank you.
I wish to override ui-select.js with my own modified version. How can I do that? Thank you.
I’m working with Magento 2 and I need to modify a Phrase before it gets rendered. Is there a recommended way to hook into this process or modify the behavior of the __() function before the translated string is rendered?… Read More »How can I inject behavior before a phrase is rendered in Magento 2?
I want to apply a rule to my catalog, but if product has special price, I don’t want that rule to be applyed to that product. I have a catalog rule, and on my conditions I have one with “If… Read More »catalog rule condition using special price
I have created a custom admin grid via xml component. The grid works, but I need to manipulate some of the data shown in the grid. I would normally create a class to assign to my column, something like this:… Read More »magento 2.4 show multiple table field in one ui grid column without a specific Column class
I use Magento version 2.4.5-p10 I want show on product card on category page (list and grid) the minimal price for a configurable product when this price has special price. The objective is to show the mention : %special price%… Read More »Display minimal configurable product special price cause Error : Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() on category page
Following error occurred on command bin/magento in debug mode warden bebug www-data@marketplace-upgrade-php-debug:/var/www/html$ bin/magento Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: (fallback through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port). Version of Warden 0.14.1 Operating System and Installation Method Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS via… Read More »warden xdebug 3 not connecting for magento
I am trying to exit the xampp, but i am getting error when io try to close using exit option, Error is, What is this error mean?
Not quite sure where to start debugging, PUT/POST request occasionally without any errors in Magento logs, status code 400. The exact same request later goes through succesfully. Example failed request: 400 PUT /rest/V1/products/9793/stockItems/1567?stockItem%5Bqty%5D=466&stockItem%5Bis_in_stock%5D=1 HTTP/2.0 varnish Example successfull request moments later:… Read More »PUT/POST Rest request occasionally fail without error status code 400
i want to add custom canonical url tags to CMS pages. That is, a new field “canonical” will be added to the SEO section. If this field will not filled, then take the value from the “URL Key” field. If… Read More »How to add custom canonical url tags to CMS pages?
After running the cmd php bin/magento setup:upgrade I am getting following error. [2025-03-07T07:07:05.311272+00:00] main.ERROR: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1932 Table ‘magento2.core_config_data’ doesn’t exist in engine, query was: SELECT main_table.* FROM core_config_data AS main_table If i search with… Read More »After running setup:upgrade cmd ‘magento2.core_config_data’ doesn’t exist in engine