shield ???
I am looking for my web host and cannot find it online. The host where I have had my website( is called… | Read the rest of
I am looking for my web host and cannot find it online. The host where I have had my website( is called… | Read the rest of
I am working on a Node script that creates an XML file using data it has pulled from the Magento api. This xml file has a set structure that I have to replicate. I’ve been having issues getting it set… Read More »XML formatting problem: Aligning ‘Options’ at the same level as ‘Lines’ instead of nested within
I need to see some logs that I saved in /var/debug.log on NewRelic logs. Can anyone help me with this?
I have created a custom extension in Magento 2 and their frontend functionality shows in the react js (PWA vania UI). So I have created a module to enable/disable functionality in the Magento system configuration. and I have added this… Read More »Enable/Disable footer link using system configuration in custom module PWA
I am using magento2. The issue i am facing is i want to apply currency filtering. My default currency is USD and allowed currencies are CAD and EUR. When i change the currency from my frontend and pass that in… Read More »Content-Currency is not working in headers magento2
Happy New Year! Web hosting is a lot different in 2024 than it was a few years ago, so I thought a quick review might be appropriate. The … | Read the rest of
I use the following code to add a tracking number to an order: $url = ‘https://xxxxx/rest/V1/order/514/ship’; $authorization = “Authorization: Bearer “.$json; //I get $json in other part of the code, this work fine $data = [ “items” => [ [… Read More »Magento 2: How to add a tracking number to an order using REST API
Can anyone help me how to change number of products per page for a SPECIFIC category. I am on magento 2.3.4 and noticed that Layout Update XML does not exist anymore.
I have a controller that only executes once after the cache is cleared. After that the response is always the same – cache is there instead of a new execution. The class is extendsMagentoFrameworkAppActionAction: class Index extends MagentoFrameworkAppActionAction What can… Read More »Magento controller only executing once – cannot disable cache
I have a problem with magento 2.1.7, every time a guest user subscribe to the newsletter he doesn’t receive confirmation email. I have already check on Configuration > Customer > Newsletter Configuration > Advanced > Admin and check the cron… Read More »subscribe to the newsletter not working