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Images are not loading in frontend and admin panel is not loading in backend in freshly installed magento 2.4.7

As my question states, I have installed magento 2.4.7-beta1 on xampp 8.2.12 in windows 11 with composer 2.6.5 and elasticesearch 7.16.3 freshly. However any images on frontend and magento admin panel on the backend are not being displayed and I’m… Read More »Images are not loading in frontend and admin panel is not loading in backend in freshly installed magento 2.4.7

Can’t use ‘bin/magento’ commands after running ‘composer update –ignore-platform-reqs’

I have magento running from , everything is working fine, but when i run composer update –ignore-platform-reqs then all bin/magento commands stop working. Any ideas on what could be happening? and what would be the best solution? Deleting the… Read More »Can’t use ‘bin/magento’ commands after running ‘composer update –ignore-platform-reqs’

Magento 2 override shipping file giving error of Invalid template file

We are using Magento 2.3.5 version when we are trying to override file of vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/shipping.phtml to app/design/frontend/Infortis/base/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/shipping.phtml It showing error on browser console – VM2090:4 [2023-11-27 11:58:20] [ERROR] Failed to load the “Magento_Checkout/js/view/cart/totals” component. @ VM2090:4 VM2090:4 [2023-11-27 11:58:20]… Read More »Magento 2 override shipping file giving error of Invalid template file

Disable fields in ui_component by user role

We are using the WeltPixel Peal theme. Ultimately, I’d like to prevent specific User Roles from having access to the Custom CSS/JS fields that WeltPixel adds. These are the file paths where these fields are getting set currently: /app/code/WeltPixel/DesignElements/view/adminhtml/ui_component/category_form.xml /app/code/WeltPixel/DesignElements/view/adminhtml/ui_component/cms_block_form.xml… Read More »Disable fields in ui_component by user role