is anyone using a aysima
is anyone using a aysima?… | Read the rest of
is anyone using a aysima?… | Read the rest of
When i run magento upgrade, i get the follwing error: Im using xammp, windows. Can some assist me please>? {“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:”illegal_argument_exception”,”reason”:”Unknown filter type [phonetic] for [phonetic]”}],”type”:”illegal_argument_exception”,”reason”:”Unknown filter type [phonetic] for [phonetic]”},”status”:400}
I need to apply a mask (formatting) to a field on the “checkout/#shipping” page, where can I find the code, which page?
I have multi website setup and, I have create one Custom Customer Attribute named “mobile_number”, that shows on create account form at frontend. Now the issue is while creating customer in one website and customer registers with “123” mobile_number and… Read More »Magento Customer Attribute Value Multi Website Issue
When I try to edit a configurable product, the price is not displayed and the field to enter the price is disabled. Is it a BUG or a standard Magento feature?
When trying to access my magento site I keep getting 404 errors and running sudo tail /var/log/nginx/error.log I see the following: 2023/10/19 20:26:32 [warn] 318594#318594: *166 using uninitialized “mage_root” variable, client:, server:, request: “GET /subdirectory/ HTTP/1.1”, host: “”… Read More »Correcting 404 Error with modified_nginx.conf.sample
how do i remove “More Information” its showing up on the bottom of the product page. where is this coming from? its in the main tabs which is fine, but separately its also showing up at bottom, before the footer.
I am trying to show all my attachments in my grid but the grid is showing only the last one that I uploaded, but in the database and on the frontend it shows all and when i do filter it… Read More »Magento246 ProductAttachment Ui_Component grid not working properly
In particular, there’s an attribute for the banner at the top of the product page that gets updated when there’s a new promotion/event that includes that product, currently, it’s being done manually going through each product one by one, it’s… Read More »Is there a way to bulk update product attributes?
I am transfering a magento website and I have lost nginx settings. But I have full access in the database. In my case I want to find out upon each store url what values must have the MAGE_RUN_CODE and MAGE_RUN_TYPE… Read More »How I can find what values must have `MAGE_RUN_CODE` and `MAGE_RUN_TYPE` for each store/website url from db?