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magento setup:upgrade – JavaScript files broken

When I run the following commends, theme JavaScript file broken php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento cache:clean Broken files (net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)): /pub/static/version1697560192/frontend/Smartwave/porto/en_US/js/jquery.sticky.min.js /pub/static/version1697560192/frontend/Smartwave/porto/en_US/js/jquery.lazyload.jsĀ  pub/static/version1697560192/frontend/Smartwave/porto/en_US/StripeIntegration_Payments/js/stripe_payments_express.js Notes: Magento ver. 2.4.1 Application mode is default.

Tracking User Interactions, Saving them to Database Table and then send it to GA4 . Events and data events are saved as null in my table

This is the function that captures some data protected function captureRequestData(RequestInterface $oRequest, $aPostParams) { return [ ‘request’ => [ ‘status’ =>’pending’, ‘params’ => json_encode($aPostParams), ‘endpoint’ => $oRequest->getRequestUri(), ‘view’ => json_encode($oRequest->getHeaders()->toArray()), ‘event’ => $this->_oEventobserver->getEventName(), ‘data’ => json_encode($this->_oEventobserver->getEventData() ), ‘ip’ => $oRequest->getClientIp(),… Read More »Tracking User Interactions, Saving them to Database Table and then send it to GA4 . Events and data events are saved as null in my table

Extra parameters passed to parent construct $directoryHelper

I am getting the following error on di compile: **Extra parameters passed to parent construct $directoryHelper** That’s the original code: class PreviewButton extends MagentoConfigBlockSystemConfigFormField { protected $blockFactory; public function __construct( MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context, MagentoFrameworkViewElementBlockFactory $blockFactory, array $data = [], ?SecureHtmlRenderer $jsonHelper… Read More »Extra parameters passed to parent construct $directoryHelper

Hosting Company Alphavps Using Nulled WHMCS

Just wanted to make all the community aware of a company going by the name of AlphaVPS as a trading name of DA international group Ltd Th… | Read the rest of