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Off-Site Backup Solutions Using DirectAdmin

Hello, I�m looking for off-site backup options for a website that�s sized a little over 100 GB. We were using cPanel until sometime back a… | Read the rest of

Fetch the attribute value using attribute code in Model file

In 3rd party Plugin’s Model file, i am trying to fetch attribute code and display the attribute value in Product View Page. But values are not fetching. $valueAddition = $product->getResource()->getAttribute(‘making_charges_value’)->getFrontend()->getValue($product); or $valueAddition = $_product->getData($making_charges_value); Here is Full Function code ,… Read More »Fetch the attribute value using attribute code in Model file

Magento 2, A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later

Hope everyone is good. I saw other threads with similar issues but mine is different. It is happening when I am trying to create or update a coupon with specific customer groups. It gives me an error A technical problem… Read More »Magento 2, A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later

Remove HTML tags from description and short-description while Exporting Products in Magento

I need to remove HTML tags from product description and short-description while exporting the products using the Magento default Import-Export module. current CSV description column <ul> <li>Foam-padded adjustable shoulder straps.</li> <li>900D polyester.</li> <li>Oversized zippers.</li> <li>Locker loop.</li> </ul> description column I… Read More »Remove HTML tags from description and short-description while Exporting Products in Magento

Magento 2: Change the “URL Key” and save the category “The value specified in the URL Key field would generate a URL that already exists.”

When change the “URL Key” and save the category then throw the below error. This store Migrate Magento 1.9 to Magento 2.3.5-p1 and used multi store view. Error: The value specified in the URL Key field would generate a URL… Read More »Magento 2: Change the “URL Key” and save the category “The value specified in the URL Key field would generate a URL that already exists.”