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I can select specific columns to update using the `updateFromSelect` function for mass updates?

I try to massivle update a specific column from 1 table to another using the updateFromSelect function: $table = ‘mytable’; /** * @var $resource MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterPdoMysqlInterceptor */ $select = $resource->select() ->join($table,$table.’’) ->where($table.”.valid”,true) ->where($table.”.customer_group_id<>customer_entity.group_id”) ->columns([$table.’.customer_group_id as group_id’]); $sql=$resource->updateFromSelect($select,’customer_entity’); But the $sql value… Read More »I can select specific columns to update using the `updateFromSelect` function for mass updates?

Cms no route page not working. Magento 2

A page with an invalid url should redirect to a page not found, but it throws an error TypeError: MagentoFrameworkAppFrontController::processRequest(): Argument #2 ($actionInstance) must be of type MagentoFrameworkAppActionInterface, MagentoFrameworkControllerResultRedirectInterceptor given, called in vendormagentoframeworkAppFrontController.php on line 147 and defined in vendormagentoframeworkAppFrontController.php:177… Read More »Cms no route page not working. Magento 2

Where To Host Your WHMCS?

Just wondering where people host their WHMCS installs? Has anyone tried Siteground? Thinking cloud maybe more reliable. What other cloud… | Read the rest of