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How to add customer Attribute inside custom tab section insted of “Account Information” in magento 2 customer attribute

I have created setup patch data using the attribute please check the below code and block using add custom tab moduleDataSetup = $moduleDataSetup; $this->customerSetupFactory = $customerSetupFactory; $this->eavConfig = $eavConfig; } public function apply() { $this->moduleDataSetup->getConnection()->startSetup(); $customerSetup = $this->customerSetupFactory->create([‘setup’ => $this->moduleDataSetup]);… Read More »How to add customer Attribute inside custom tab section insted of “Account Information” in magento 2 customer attribute

Iframe not loading on a CMS page

We are trying to embed a Magento 2 website’s page on another Magento CMS page using iframe, but the iframe is not working. When I checked the browser console I found an error.

How do I add a cms block for a particular category above the pagination toolbar and below the products grid?

How do I add a cms block for a particular category above the pagination toolbar and below the products grid? <referenceBlock name=”product_list_toolbar”> <block class=”MagentoCmsBlockBlock” name=”accessories.stand.out” before=”-“> <arguments> <argument name=”block_id” xsi:type=”string”>accessories_stand_out</argument> </arguments> </block> </referenceBlock> app/design/frontend/cb/vannicholas/Magento_Catalog/layout/catalog_category_view_id_4.xml I have added it for the… Read More »How do I add a cms block for a particular category above the pagination toolbar and below the products grid?