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Magento2 Issue after disabling core Magento_Sales

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use “parent” when current class scope has no parent in /var/www/html/sm_market4/generated/code/Magento/Sales/Api/OrderRepositoryInterface/Interceptor.php on line 22 Getting the error after disabling core Magento_Sales

cPanel for Cloud Hosting

Is there an option of using cPanel for cloud hosting like Vultr, Linode, Digital Ocean? Does it work in the same way as it works on conventi… | Read the rest of

There are no payment methods

I have overwritten the checkout_index_index.xml to add a custom input but when I go to step 2 the payment methods are not displayed. I leave the checkout_index_index.xml. <page xmlns:xsi=”” layout=”checkout” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd”> <body> <referenceContainer name=”content”> <block class=”MagentoCheckoutBlockOnepage” name=”checkout.root” template=”Magento_Checkout::onepage.phtml” cacheable=”false”> <arguments>… Read More »There are no payment methods

this is my webapi.xml file please give me solution this url not working for Get Api Call /rest/V1/wishlist/customer?customerId=7

<route url=”/V1/wishlist/customer/items” method=”GET”> <service class=”XteamWishlistApiWishlistManagementInterface” method=”getWishlistItemsByCustomerId”/> <resources> <resource ref=”anonymous” /> </resources> <data> <parameter name=”customerId” force=”true”>%customer_id%</parameter> </data> </route> <route url=”/V1/wishlist/customer/item/:customerId/:productId” method=”DELETE”> <service class=”XteamWishlistApiWishlistManagementInterface” method=”removeProductFromWishlist”/> <resources> <resource ref=”anonymous” /> </resources> </route>