How to show link instead of text field in customer edit form in admin?
I have created a customer attribute, where customers add a url of there store. I want to show that url as a clickable link in admin customers form. Is this possible and how?
I have created a customer attribute, where customers add a url of there store. I want to show that url as a clickable link in admin customers form. Is this possible and how?
I am trying to calculate tax on the total of subtotal+shipping-discount. I have created an event/observer for this. <event name=”sales_quote_save_after”> <observer instance=”SKPOrderGstObserverCheckoutSalesQuoteSaveAfter” name=”skp_ordergst_observer_sales_quote_save_after”/> </event> After entering the shipping address on the checkout page first time the getShippingAmount returns 0, but… Read More »Magento 2 – Event – Observer – Shipping amount is correct on checkout page refresh
I created a popup to let users select their preferred currency so how to let customers be able to pay and be charged with the currency that they have selected
Today, June 9, 2023, I bought a hosting service via paypal at, many hours passed and they did not activate it and now they do … | Read the rest of
We have “missing stock” that is affecting the default stock and saleable quantity by 1 or 2. I understand that once the order has been shipped, this should reset it. However, there are a few products that never reset or… Read More »Can you locate an order that has not been shipped?
I am trying to add image in my custom email template. I want to know how to define image section in email template and how to set image PARAMS of email sending action using TransportBuilder. Images exist of media path.
Version Magento 2.4.5-p2 I have 20 plus orders in the last few months that the shipping address is incorrect after the order is placed. Talking with affected customers, they are positive the screen is displaying the addresses correctly before they… Read More »2 addresses combining after checkout
This code has worked to hide and show the payment method based on the shipping address country. public function execute(MagentoFrameworkEventObserver $observer) { //shipping company field $shippingCompanyField = $this->cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId(); $paymentMethod = $observer->getEvent()->getMethodInstance()->getCode(); if ($shippingCompanyField == ‘IN’) { if ($paymentMethod == “multisafepay_giropay”)… Read More »How to hide and show the payment method based on shipping address country to sort the payment method
On my Magento Website, I apply product schema markup in my website but Why My Review Snippet is not showing in Google SERP for my website result? give some suggestion
Problem is, that SEO tools tell us, we have duplicate content with Home Page URL and Home Page URL with country code. What is the easiest and most pragmatic solution to solve this? Other store views ok as… Read More »Duplicate content issue with home page and country code version – Magento 2