Magento 2 – override private method in abstract class
Is there a way to override a private method of an abstract class in magento 2? I need to override the private method correctText of MagentoSalesModelOrderPdfAbstractPdf
Is there a way to override a private method of an abstract class in magento 2? I need to override the private method correctText of MagentoSalesModelOrderPdfAbstractPdf
Does any have any idea to prevent the 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded issue? main.CRITICAL: Saving order 0002347423 failed: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction, query was: INSERT INTO `sales_invoice_item` (`parent_id`, `base_price`, `tax_amount`, `base_row_total`, `row_total`,… Read More »Magento 2 – prevent the 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded issue?
I want to capture order payment but do not want to create invoice. How can we achieve this? I found this file: vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/Payment/Operations/CaptureOperation.php Any help will be appriciated.
<?php namespace custommoduleScheduleContentNotifierPlugin; use MagentoCmsModelPage; use custommoduleScheduleContentNotifierHelperEmail; use MagentoCmsStagingModelPageApplier; use MagentoFrameworkIndexerCacheContext; use MagentoStagingModelStagingApplierInterface; use MagentoStagingApiUpdateRepositoryInterface; /** * Class PageApplier */ class PluginPageApplier { protected $_page; protected $emailHelper; /** * @var UpdateRepositoryInterface */ protected $updateRepository; /** * @var MagentoFrameworkIndexerCacheContext */ private… Read More »Call to undefined method MagentoCmsModelResourceModelPageCollectionInterceptor::reset()
I am currently looking at deleting old order-related data (including shipment, invoice, creditmemo and payment_transaction) from a Magento installation (currently 2.4.5-p1) and I think I have nailed down a set of SQL DELETE’s that will clear it all safely. I… Read More »Deleting specific orders and related data via SQL
we are facing an issue with Magento 2 and hopes that someone here could help. First of all some Details; We are running our Magento on 2.4.5-p2 and PHP8.1. Now we are facing an issue on frontend. If a customer… Read More »Magento 2 create customer account on frontend takes too long
Unlimited Domains… | Read the rest of
I am looking for a BTC Payment Gateway to accept bitcoin payments for my web hosting business. I have looked at a few options and Blockonomi… | Read the rest of
I have a Mag 2 site which uses configurable products, some of these use tier pricing for the simple products. If I have a tier price which uses the fixed option the following code in final_price.phtml displays the price correctly… Read More »Bug when displaying Configurable Product simple tier prices
Under Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Sales -> Sales -> Minimum order amount I set Enable to Yes and Minimum Amount to 3000. When I click Save Config the page refreshes, the message You saved the configuration. appears and… Read More »Minimum Order Amount settings doesnt update on save