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I want to insert a custom block into the $block->getChildHtml(‘customer.form.register.extra’) placeholder in register.phtml

I want to insert a custom block into the $block->getChildHtml(‘customer.form.register.extra’) placeholder in the customer registration form – register.phtml. I have a custom block in my module that I’d like to insert into this placeholder to avoid overriding the .phtml file.… Read More »I want to insert a custom block into the $block->getChildHtml(‘customer.form.register.extra’) placeholder in register.phtml

Ecowebhosting down?

Hi all, I run a web hosting business using the website to resell the services to my clients, I am having issues not b… | Read the rest of

How can I move the checkout window.checkoutConfig javascript code above all the payment methods on the checkout page?

I’ve installed the SquareUp payment method, but there’s an issue with the theme I’m using where the form code is injected before the window.checkoutConfig code (which is required for the checkout) and as such the form doesn’t display on the… Read More »How can I move the checkout window.checkoutConfig javascript code above all the payment methods on the checkout page?