Suddenly Credit/Debit Card Secure Payment Appears at the checkout
On My site Magento this start appears Any quick solution
On My site Magento this start appears Any quick solution
I’m working with Magento 2 and using the __() function for translating strings. However, I need to inject some custom behavior or logic before the translated phrase is displayed on the screen. Is there a recommended way to hook into… Read More »How can I inject behavior before a phrase is displayed using the __() function in Magento 2?
I’m maintaining a Magento integration which is used by people who use Magento or Adobe Commerce instances which aren’t necessarily setup the same way as our test instance is. Several years ago, we used Swagger and OpenAPI to generate code… Read More »Is there a list of which fields would typically be on Extension Interfaces in the REST API?
I am working on a custom Search module. I’ve placed a “checkout_submit_all_after” event in etc/events.xml and observing it to track the orders. I noticed that in Hyva, the event is not being dispatched after success checkout from the frontend. Is… Read More »checkout_submit_all_after event not working in Hyva
I have a product which contains multiple items and would like to add in the links to each of the items web page in the short description section – is this possible?
I already add a ‘is_service_product’ filter in admin: Reports->Products->Bestsellers Report. I already list some product id for service product, these service product id is in an array. When select ‘is_service_product’ to yes, I want filter the collection data without these… Read More »how to add custom filter in admin bestsellers report in magento2
So i recently upgraded Magento to 2.4.7-p3 and the counter number no longer shows in the minicart when empty. My code in the minicart.phtml file is as below. <span class=”counter-number”> <!– ko ifnot: getCartParam(‘summary_count’) –> <!– ko i18n: ‘0 ‘… Read More »Magento 2.4.7 How to show count 0 on mini cart when no product is in cart?
I’m trying to connect Make to automate some jobs in Magento 2 Community. Following the official documentation, I’m generating a token : I don’t understand what to do with the public and secret key to put in a single… Read More »Connect magento 2 to Make integration
The question is provided by a training agency. You are debugging a problem in a cron script. You think the problem is related to the cron script execution time. How does Magento react when it has to run a scheduled… Read More »Magento 2 certification exam practice question(cron job processing internals)
Are there any web hosting providers with CN2 route from Europe to China? Please recommend a few to me, thanks!… | Read the rest of