Magento 2: Errors on running setup:di:compile after upgrade from Magento version 2.4.3 to 2.4.5:
I am getting this error after upgrading Magento version 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 I am unable to find any solution. please help.
I am getting this error after upgrading Magento version 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 I am unable to find any solution. please help.
I create a user (from the magento panel) for my store, and the link to set the password is sent to the email, the user has set the password. After a few hours (6/7 hours) the user is no longer… Read More »Error: You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled
I’m not sure what I have done to mess up the empty cart button in the shopping-cart page. Nothing happens, not even a page-refresh. Its a multishop and it dosnt work on any shop. Not even using default luma shop.… Read More »Empty shopping cart button not working
In Magento2, when the payment of the order is made by credit card, the invoice is immediately generated. This involves saving the order with a completed state as soon as the shipment is created. Is it possible to prevent the… Read More »Magento 2 | Prevent saving the completed state on the order
How can I override the file vendor/foo/bar/view/base/web/css/source/module/components/_foo.less I put it in my theme at app/design/frontend/company/fresh/Foo_Bar/templates/web/css/source/module/components/_foo.less but my changes are not getting applied.
Is it possible to display the highest price of a configurable product rather than the lowest?
How can I unset sidebar.main container if there’s no layered navigation the layered search result page navigation if there’s no filters catalogsearch_result_index.xml
i have multidimension array as below. [ { “id”: 45308, “firstname”: “Sanku Pradeep” }, { “id”: 45309, “firstname”: “Sanku” }, { “id”: 45310, “firstname”: “sanku” }, { “id”: 45311, “firstname”: “sanku” }, { “id”: 45312, “firstname”: “abhi” } ] i… Read More »magento 2 bring key to first in customer address
I need to add code the code below to display Yotpo Reviews Carousel in category pages. Where is the template for category pages in Magento located? We are using a custom theme from SwissUp I need to insert the code… Read More »Magento 2.4.4: Where do I find the HTML of category pages in Magento?
Using: Magento 2.4.5 Community Edition I currently have two custom phtml blocks {short_description.phtml, description.phtml} located in app/code/Vendor/Theme/view/frontend/templates. As an example, short_description.phtml contains: <div class=”container attribute-container”> <div class=”attribute-row”> <div class=”col-12″> <div class=”attribute-label”>Attribute Label<span style=”color #4361ee;”>Attribute Value</span> </div> <div class=”attribute-label”>Attribute Label<span style=”color:… Read More »How to retrieve custom product attributes through product description or short description using phtml templates?