How to configure php-fpm in magento2.4.4 on CentOS server
after upgrading magento version , commands not working.
after upgrading magento version , commands not working.
I have a problem with my ui components in admin. The Actions always is after “Enabled” column :/ This column should be last. How to change it position? I tired to add attribute sortOrder=”XX” to all columns like this <column… Read More »Magento 2: How to change “Actions” column position in UI Component?
I am trying to override the Resource model for the cms page file in the sitemap module my code is <?php namespace MyModuleSiteMapModelResourceModelCms; use MagentoCmsApiDataPageInterface; use MagentoCmsApiGetUtilityPageIdentifiersInterface; use MagentoCmsModelPage as CmsPage; use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager; use MagentoFrameworkDBSelect; use MagentoFrameworkEntityManagerEntityManager; use MagentoFrameworkEntityManagerMetadataPool; use… Read More »Incompatible argument type: Required type: MagentoFrameworkEntityManagerMetadataPool. Actual type: string; when trying to override resource model
In the customer account, right now, if I want to edit my e-mail, or my first name or my last name I also have to write the password. Can anyone tell me, what I have to do to edit those… Read More »Edit account e-mail, firstname, lastname without enter the password Magento 1.9
What is the purpose of the i18n/en_US.csv files within modules? As in… how are they specifically used? I realize it’s for the purposes of translations, but I have tested adding translations for another language (ex: Italian) in an i18n/it_IT.csv file… Read More »What is the purpose of the i18n/en_US.csv?
I have one feature which is working in M2.2.1 before. But it is not working since M2.4.3 The feature mainly is to call function ‘moveElements’ when ‘opc-wrapper’ is loaded. template/onepage.html …. <div id=”opc-wrapper” data-bind=”afterRender: moveElements”> <ol class=”opc” id=”checkoutSteps”> <!– ko… Read More »afterRender in Knockout not working
I have a server that runs two sites. The site runs fine until we start to get over 200-300 concurrent users and then it starts to slow down… | Read the rest of
Hello, I was wondering if there’s a way(which I know there is) to have lets say my domain up, and only have it for creating emails. Like gma… | Read the rest of
I took the code from inside: vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/noItems.phtml and i’m overiding it here: app/design/frontendvendor/namespace/module/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/noItems.phtml I usually don’t work on a lot of frontend css stuff so i feel like this is a super dumb question. Here’s what i’ve done below and… Read More »Bolding or changing the color of “Continue Shopping Url”
I am trying to change the text that says “Gift Wrapping for Order” to “Gift Messaging” in the order confirmation email that is sent out. I have figured out where the copy needs to be updated to actually, change it,… Read More »Modify “Gift Wrapping for Order” Text in Order Email