WordPress hosting
Hi all I have a wordpress site, with relatively low traffic that is hosted on a basic linux shared package, nothing too fancy. I have … | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1882100&goto=newpost
Hi all I have a wordpress site, with relatively low traffic that is hosted on a basic linux shared package, nothing too fancy. I have … | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1882100&goto=newpost
I really just need a sanity check. I’m having issues with my hosting provider, HTTPME. They have asked me to provide them with my login cr… | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1881959&goto=newpost
Hello Maybe this thread is not in the correct room but i would like the advantages or disadvantages of this solution and compare with th… | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1881745&goto=newpost
I bought one of their reseller packages back in Dec 2018 with the (webhostingtalk) deal it was $17! 2019 and 2020 it was $63 and last year $… | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1881739&goto=newpost
how do i buy myself my own domain name to enable myself to put my own subdomain endings on it? its the custom subdomain part id like to do… | Read the rest of https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1881655&goto=newpost
Magento 2.3.5-p2 This is whats happening: shipment is created and shipment mail is sent to [email protected] mail is sent to [email protected] again and also to [email protected] The shipments for the 2 were created close together, so maybe thats related. I… Read More »Shipping confirmation mail is sent to multiple customers
We have a Magento 2.4 project with multiple websites with multiple stores & we need to share some store codes for store views. All store views should load under same domain Document root of this project is pointing to magento/pub… Read More »Magento2 multiwebsite multistore sharing storeview code
i want to Create an automatic CSV export which is sent by email every tuesday. case This export should contains every product sold the past week. Each row should contains : Product SKU / Product Name / Product Sold Price… Read More »create module to generate csv
When I try to upload an image to a custom option of a product in Magento 1.9 I get the message ‘undefined'(popup) – The image is not uploaded and I have to log in again. I can not find any… Read More »magento 1.9 Popup in custom options saying “undefined”
I need to read the excel sheet data from magento 2.4 javascript file. I have overridden Magento_Sales/web/order/create/scripts.js. I can read csv file data without any issue but can’t read excel file data. How can I use the following script and… Read More »Read excel sheet data in javascript file