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REST api & sourceId

There are many REST endpoints that require passing a sourceId parameter. Where do I get the value for sourceId? GET returns { “items”: [ { “source_code”: “default”, “name”: “Default Source”, “enabled”: true, “description”: “Default Source”, “latitude”: 0, “longitude”:… Read More »REST api & sourceId

After upgrading from Magento2.4.2 to Magento2.4.4-pt1 getting ERROR Illegal offset type on reindexing catalog_product_attribute

Upgraded from Magento2.4.2pt1 to Magento2.4.4-pt1. Now reindexing from SSH I am getting error with reindexing catalog_product_attribute. php -d memory_limit=2G bin/magento indexer:reindex catalog_product_attribute ERROR Product EAV index process error during indexation process: Warning: Illegal offset type in /vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/ResourceModel/Product/Indexer/Eav/Source.php on line 392.… Read More »After upgrading from Magento2.4.2 to Magento2.4.4-pt1 getting ERROR Illegal offset type on reindexing catalog_product_attribute