How to get admin user name get null? [duplicate]
How can I make this function run – also when getUsername() is null $authSession = $objectManager->get(‘MagentoBackendModelAuthSession’); $UUsername = $authSession->getUser()->getUsername();
How can I make this function run – also when getUsername() is null $authSession = $objectManager->get(‘MagentoBackendModelAuthSession’); $UUsername = $authSession->getUser()->getUsername();
I have written some custom scripts in typescript that I would like for my Magento2 application to regularly run. Ideally, I would like for my application to run these scripts once a day. Does anyone know if this can be… Read More »Can you configure cron jobs to run custom script on server?
I am using Magento 2.4.4CE and I have successfully added a jquery based JS file to a CMS page’s header by using a cms_page_view_selectable_url_somename.xml file in my custom theme. I have the following line added in the head section to… Read More »How to add JS with jQuery containing multiple functions to Magento 2.4.4
my media/catalog/product/cache directory is growing very hard. Digging a bit deeper I see that every picture gets around 30 different files in my cache directory. In the picture you see the original file on top, and 30 different variants in… Read More »Magento 2.4.3 media/catalog/product/cache growing very hard – each file with many different formats
After I created a module following this tutorial Magento 2.4 Add Recaptcha in Custom From I put my module in a popup and I would like to avoid to load all unnecessary js until I open my popup. I know… Read More »Magento 2.4 Recaptcha load js only on popup open
I Want to send a url to customer from admin panel custom form. I use below steps to perform the task. 1 – email_templates.xml file content <?xml version=”1.0″?> <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Email:etc/email_templates.xsd”> <template id=”ayakil_hometry_email_carturl_template” label=”Home Try On Cart Url” file=”hometry_cart_url.html” type=”html”… Read More »Email template id is not found issue in magento 2 admin custom form Magento 2
Images with another url than our own: Doesn’t appear on frontend but broken. While images from our own url does appear. Can’t find a solution for this, anybody knows? See here:
I am trying to capture payment in bulk by using custom mass action on the order grid. It works fine when I select only one order from the grid but it does not work wehn I select multiple order from… Read More »Magento 2.4: Mass payment capture from order grid issue
i know so much about it It is a singleton It is use for injecting class and method. So please explain me more detail. Advance thank you for answer
how can we get the Revenue using custom Period or Date? below is code, custom.php : /var/www/html/m2_new_staging/app/code/Rental/Totalrevenue/Model/Api <?php namespace RentalTotalrevenueModelApi; use MagentoReportsModelResourceModelOrderCollectionFactory; use PsrLogLoggerInterface; class Custom { protected $_collectionFactory; protected $logger; public function __construct( LoggerInterface $logger, CollectionFactory $collectionFactory ) {… Read More »how to get revenue using custom period or date range?