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i need help to get a review

Guys i’;m planning to order WordPress Hosting : GoGeek with the porblem that they only offer huge discount on the yearly mo… | Read the rest of down

Hey guys! Seems like the whole network went down, right now their nameservers are not replying, all VPS and Dedicated went… | Read the rest of

Get concrete error message of CouldNotSaveException

We need to get concrete error message when MagentoCatalogModelProductRepository throws CouldNotSaveException during saveProduct() private function saveProduct($product): void { try { $this->removeProductFromLocalCacheBySku($product->getSku()); $this->removeProductFromLocalCacheById($product->getId()); $this->resourceModel->save($product); } catch (ConnectionException $exception) { … } catch (Exception $e) { throw new CouldNotSaveException( __(‘The product was… Read More »Get concrete error message of CouldNotSaveException

Magento 2.3.5 error gd2.php on installation

While installing Magento 2.3.5 in windows, I got this Error: [Progress: 698 / 1369] Module ‘Magento_Theme’: In PatchApplier.php line 170: Unable to apply data patch MagentoThemeSetupPatchDataRegisterThemes for module Magento_Theme. Original exception message: Wrong file In Gd2.php line 64: Wrong file