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POP3 Connection Error

Has anyone noticed these errors coming from WHMCS notification emails lately? One or more POP3 connections failed: —– Department <… | Read the rest of

static image doesn’t show in checkout page magento 2.4

I was override Magento_Checkout/shipping-address/shipping-method-item static html file with Vendor_Module/checkout/shipping/shipping-method-item static html file. now I wants to set static image URL in this shipping-method-item file. So, I put that static image at app/code/Vendor/Module/view/frontend/web/images/location.png. then I mention code as like below in… Read More »static image doesn’t show in checkout page magento 2.4

Something went wrong while saving this configuration

When i try to save theme configuration of the theme, appears the error: “Notice: Trying to get property ‘attributes’ of non-object in /bitnami/magento/vendor/magento/module-webapi/Model/Config/Converter.php on line 51” /** @var DOMElement $service */ $service = $route->getElementsByTagName(‘service’)->item(0); line 51-> $serviceClass = $service->attributes->getNamedItem(‘class’)->nodeValue; $serviceMethod… Read More »Something went wrong while saving this configuration

How to redirect the custom button on product page

Newbie here. How can I redirect the customize button on its product page? I’ve created the button inside the list.phtml <button type=”submit” id=”subs” style=”margin-bottom:5px;” onclick=”window.location.href='{The bag product URL}’;”>Subscribe</button>