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Help with strange Magento behaviour on VPS. Cart not updating until after page refresh, cache refreshes after navigating away from page

We’re having a strange problem that we can’t seem to get to the bottom of. No errors are being shown. Within the CMS, if we click flush cache, the page quickly refreshes and nothing seems to happen. If we then… Read More »Help with strange Magento behaviour on VPS. Cart not updating until after page refresh, cache refreshes after navigating away from page

Same coupon code and fixed prices

I have a dataset with around 1000 products with fixed prices that only needs to be applied when one certain CouponCode is used. Does this functionality exist or maybe an extension have this figured out?

Shared hosting vbulletin old version support

I am looking for shared hosting that can allow a VBulletin 3.8X version along with support Php 5.6 and payment Master Debit Card…. | Read the rest of