I’m trying to override the default Magento logo product placeholder images within my theme, however, the results are inconsistent.
I added 4 image files in the following location app/design/frontend/[VENDOR]/[THEME]/Magento_Catalog/web/images/product/placeholder/
- image.jpg
- small_image.jpg
- swatch_image.jpg
- thumbnail.jpg
Then I ran the following just to be safe and nuke all the things…
$ rm -rf pub/static/* var/view_preprocessed/* var/cache/* var/di/ var/generation/* var/page_cache/* generated/*
$ bin/magento c:f
$ bin/magento catalog:imag:res
This appeared to work for me the first time as I was able to see the new placeholder image on the frontend on the PLP and PDP. Then I tested removing these files and I got the original Magento placeholder. However, when I put the images back in place and ran the 3 commands to clear out the cache and such… I am still seeing the default Magento placeholder. I confirmed that it is not being browser cached and I get the same results when opening an incognito window.
Is there a cache or setting that I am missing to make this work consistently?
I’m running Magento Enterprise (Adobe Commerce) v2.4.3-p1 with Warden on my Mac M1.