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Why is the Magento AbstractMethod class throws an error when I use Dependency injection on my own class that extends it?

I have a simple payment method module.

I have successfully used Dependency Injection on both the 2 Controllers I have for 2 new Routes and on my Observer where I grab some data from the config.

BUT, I have been having an issue with my payment method not disabling which is still open here, and now I’m in the process of fixing that.

One solution I found is to implement my own isAvailable() method which works for hardcoded Boolean values, but obviously I need to check if the config value is yes or no and return true or false accordingly, but when I do this, I get the error:

Error: Call to a member function getValue() on null in /var/www/html/app/code/Magento/Payment/Model/Method/AbstractMethod.php:736

Which is the return line on this one:

    public function getConfigData($field, $storeId = null)
        if ('order_place_redirect_url' === $field) {
            return $this->getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl();
        if (null === $storeId) {
            $storeId = $this->getStore();
        $path = 'payment/' . $this->getCode() . '/' . $field;
        return $this->_scopeConfig->getValue($path, MagentoStoreModelScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE, $storeId);

Here is the screenshot.

When I inject my own Helper class, which works fine everywhere else in my module, within my PaymentModel.php it breaks the AbstractMethod class that I extend? How is that related?

Why would scopeConfig would be null but only when I inject it in another class?

I obviously run php bin/magento setup:di:compile and cache: clean every time I change it.