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Will the same php and mySQL versions work for both Magento 2.4.2-p1 and Magento 2.4.4?

I have a Cloud VPS account which currently runs Magento 2.4.2-p1.

I would like to install Magento 2.4.4 in a separate account in that Cloud VPS but I’m told we will have to upgrade php and mySQL for the whole server.

I found the following Magento 2.4.4 System Requirements:

Composer 2.x
Elasticsearch 7.16
OpenSearch 1.2
MariaDB 10.4
**MySQL 8.0**
**PHP 8.1**
RabbitMQ 3.9
Redis 6.2
Varnish 7.0
Apache 2.4
Nginx 1.8

I found this table with requirements for different Magento versions:

Will php 8.1 and mySQL 8.0 work with our existing Magento 2.4.2-p1 version?

The reason I’m asking is my hosting company sent this:

*I can see that those websites are already using PHP 7.4 which is one of the latest PHP versions available. If you confirm we can test them with PHP 8.0.

The MySQL version on your server is 5.7. The latest version is MySQL 8. Please note that we are unable to determine if your websites will be fully compatible with the newer MySQL version since that is fully a development-related matter and something that is out of our scope of expertise as a hosting provider. That is why we advise consulting with a certified website developer in order to review your websites and ensure that they are compatible.

Please note the MySQL upgrade is irreversible, meaning that if we do apply the change we will be unable to revert to MySQL 5.7 and thus, you will have to first verify with your developer that your websites are compatible with the new MySQL 8.0 and that the upgrade will not cause any issues with them.*